Zuckerman's Scale

From the Zuckerman-Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire. This test will help you determine the level of your sensation seeking disposition. This is based on the test developed by Prof. Marvin Zuckerman from the University of Delaware. Please complete the following questions. There are no right or wrong answers, everyone is an individual, just respond to the statement. For each statement, choose either true or false. If you do not like either choice, mark the choice you dislike the least.

1. I like to have new and exciting experiences and sensations even if they are a little frightening. TRUE      FALSE     
2. I like doing things just for the thrill of it. TRUE      FALSE     
3. I sometimes do crazy things just for fun. TRUE      FALSE     
4. I sometimes like to do things that are a little frightening. TRUE      FALSE     
5. I enjoy getting into new situations where you can't predict how things will turn out. TRUE      FALSE     
6. I'll try anything once. TRUE      FALSE     
7. I prefer friends who are excitingly unpredictable. TRUE      FALSE     
8. I like wild uninhibited parties. TRUE      FALSE     
9. I would like the kind of life where one is on the move and traveling a lot, with lots of change and excitement. TRUE      FALSE     
10. I am an impulsive person. TRUE      FALSE     
11. I like to explore a strange city or section of town by myself, even if it means getting lost. TRUE      FALSE     
12. I would like to take off on a trip with no preplanned or definite routes or timetables. TRUE      FALSE     
13. Before I begin a complicated job, I make careful plans. TRUE      FALSE     
14. I very seldom spend much time on the details of planning ahead. TRUE      FALSE     
15. I tend to begin a new job without much advance planning on how I will do it. TRUE      FALSE     
16. I usually think about what I am going to do before doing it. TRUE      FALSE     
17. I often do things on impulse. TRUE      FALSE     
18. I often get so carried away by new and exciting things and ideas that I never think of possible complications. TRUE      FALSE     
19. I tend to change interests frequently. TRUE      FALSE     

If you have checked to make sure all questions are answered, then enter your SUBJECT ID in the following box and press return:

Zuckerman's Scale